So I’ve decided to start writing again.
Not on Medium, not on a Tumblr blog, not via a Revue newsletter but on a classic, old-school, self-hosted WordPress-based weblog.
I don’t want to be dependent on some 3rd-party platform and, more importantly, I want to have full control over the design (the look and feel) of my content.
As the name suggests, this is site is supposed to be a digital image or map of my life. It’s a space for the pictures I take, the thoughts that I have and the the various life logging projects I’m doing. I want as much of this content to be actual output of mine rather than reposts of stuff that I found online.
This is an experiment. We’ll see how the content, style and frequency of my posts evolve. For now I’ll try to commit to at least one post per week to make writing a habit again.
Wish me luck.