> Hello
> My name is Julian
> This is my lifelog
and digital playground  

List of Things I Want to Do in 2018

  • Improve my swim skills
  • Go for a swim at least once per week
  • Swim more than in 2017 (101km)
  • Meditate at least 5 times per week
  • Finish and launch prototype of █████
  • ███████████████
  • ██████████████
  • Read at least 15 books
  • Read/watch more Manga/Anime
  • Write 12 long-form blog posts
  • Update design of this blog
  • Move to Berlin
  • Do a total of 10950 push-ups
  • Watch 50 movies from the IMDB Top-250 list
  • Eat less sugar
  • Limit meat consumption to 24 meals
  • Write more lists
  • Visit a country I’ve never been to before
Dec 31, 2017  ×  Hamburg, DE

List of things I want to do in 2017

  • Start a blog again
  • Write at least 12 blog posts
  • Learn how to swim (front crawl)
  • Go for a swim at least once per week
  • Swim 100km in total
  • Quit ████████
  • Start ████████████
  • Move to a new country
  • Read 15 books
  • Meditate at least 5 times per week
  • Don’t eat meat more than 2 meat dishes per month
Jan 01, 2016  ×  Dublin, IE
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