> Hello
> My name is Julian
> This is my lifelog
and digital playground  

Media Consumption (Dec 2018)

>_ Summary

Read 5 books (1135 min, +260%) and 46 long-form articles (+59%).
Listened to 505 songs (+2%), 0 audiobook (0 min, -100%) and 11 podcast episodes (726 min, +13%).
Watched 2 movies (same), 6 soccer games (-14%) and 15 TV episodes (+650%).

>_ Books

Der Nasse Fisch (Volker Kutscher)
▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Progress: 2-3%

The Black Swan (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)
░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ Progress: 5-100%

How The Internet Happened (Brian McCullough)
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ Progress: 0-100%

The Courage To Be Disliked (Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga)
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░ Progress: 0-45%

Radical Markets (Eric A. Posner & Glen Weyl)
▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Progress: 0-7%

>_ Recommended Articles

52 things I learned in 2018 (Tom Whitwell)

The Friendship that made Google huge (The New Yorker)

The Short Life of Popcorn Prediction Markets (The Ringer)

>_ Recommended Podcasts

What Noah Smith Thinks About Basically Everything (Venture Stories)

Patrick Collison, CEO of Stripe (Tim Ferriss Show)

>_ Music

Top Artists: Arcade Fire, Hans Zimmer, Gorillaz, IAMX, Radiohead

× DATE: Tue, Jan 08, 2019
× TIME: 8:00:02 pm
× LOCATION: Berlin, DE (52.4987488, 13.4142017)
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