> Hello
> My name is Julian
> This is my lifelog
and digital playground  

List of Things I Want to Do in 2019

  • ██████████████████████████
  • Go for a swim at least once a week
    Current streak: 119 weeks
  • Swim more than in 2018
    2018 distance: 128.5km
  • Back exercise daily
  • ██████████████████████████████
  • Spend less time on social media
    Added App Timers for Twitter and Instagram, removed Facebook
  • Read 20 books
  • Get a Switch and play Breath of the Wild
  • Write 50 blog posts
  • Write 365 tweets
  • Limit meat consumption to 24 meals
  • Limit alcohol consumption to 2 days / week
  • Improve my cooking skills
    Try 20 new dishes
  • Explore more new places
    Measured in Swarm check-ins, +25% at new places
  • Visit a country I haven’t been to before

× DATE: Tue, Jan 01, 2019
× TIME: 5:31:46 pm
× LOCATION: Berlin, DE (52.4986038, 13.3917990)
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